Scientific Name :
Adenanthera pavonina L.
Synonym(s) :
Adenanthera gersenii Scheff.
Local/Common name(s) :
Family :
Habit :
Flowering/Fruiting Time :
Habitat :
Endemic :
Status (IUCN) :
Least concern (LC)
Distribution :
Sri Lanka, North East India, Myanmar, Thailand, Malesia and China
Nativity :
Uses :
Description (Morphology) :
Deciduous trees; to 20 m high; bark grey to reddish-brown, smooth, blaze dull yellow; branchlets sparsely to densely minutely tomentellous to glabrous. Leaves bipinnate, alternate, stipulate; stipules minute, free, lateral, cauducous; rachis 14.5-62.5 cm long, stout, pulvinate, grooved above, glabrous, with a gland at the tip; pinnae 2-3 pairs, 2-42 cm, opposite or rarely subopposite, even pinnate, slender, grooved above, pulvinate, puberulent; leaflets 8-20, alternate, estipellate; petiolule up to 3 mm long; lamina 1.3-8×. 8-4.2 cm, oblong, oblong-elliptic, base slightly oblique and truncate, apex round, emarginate or obtuse and mucronate, margin entire, puberulent above and glaucous beneath, chartaceous; lateral nerves 9-10 pairs, parallel, slender, obscure, intercostae reticulate, faint. Flowers bisexual, pale yellow, 6 mm across, clustered in axillary spiciform racemes; bracts to 5 mm, linear, bracteole to 1 mm, pedicel to 3 mm; calyx tube campanulate, 1 mm, 5 toothed, pubescent; petals 5, connate below, linear-lanceolate, upto 4.5 mm long, glabrous; stamens 10, free, filaments filiform, alternately long and short; anthers oblong, ending in a stipitate gland; ovary subsessile, flat, 3 mm; style 2 mm, filiform; stigma simple. Fruit a pod 10-25 x 0.7-1.5 cm, straight to falcate to slightly twisted, spirally coiled after dehiscence, thin, septate within, tapered at base, apex acute, glabrous; seeds 6-15, 8-10 x 7-9 mm, elliptic-lenticular, glossy, red.