Water Purity Checking (MAC B-WALL)

Objectives of the Practice:

This practice has been started with the following specific objectives

  1. To ensure the availability of safe drinking water for the students and staff of the college.
  2. To extend the facility for the benefits of general public in and around Tiruvalla, as part of the social responsibility initiatives of the college.

The state of Kerala is blessed with abundant water resources and studies indicate that rural drinking water was free from contamination when compared to urban. Bacteriological quality of the water sources was found to be severely above the accepted levels for drinking water and poses a major threat to human health.  In the urban areas, the major problem associated with drinking water is mismanagement of solid and liquid wastes, which may contaminate the water bodies.  Water analysis practice of the college thus aims at ensuring superior quality of the drinking water for economic, health and social well-being of the people in and around the institution. The regular testing will help to maintain the water quality and the safe drinking water will eliminate the chances of potential health hazards related to water contamination

The Practice:

Water samples are collected from the drinking water sources of the campus in regular intervals in clean, sterile sampling bottles and labelled accordingly. The samples are then subjected to presumptive testing for coliform bacteria by the most probable number (MPN) method. Water samples from all the drinking sources are checked twice a month and any variation (if any) in the water quality is dealt with by periodic chlorination of water sources. Water analysis is performed by students of the school of Biosciences under the mentoring of two faculties and the results are reported to the HOD and Principal. The facility is also utilized by the faculty and public for testing the water samples from their corresponding places. 

Evidence of success:

The results of the analysis enabled the analysts to identify the presence of bacteriological contamination in drinking resources and were able to take the necessary initiatives to eliminate the contamination through proper sanitization and disinfection measures. Periodic checking of the bacteriological quality of water has resulted in a general awareness regarding the importance of safety measures to the students and has made them personally responsible and socially committed.

Problems encountered and resources required:

Resources required for the analysis include glass wares, chemicals and skilled persons. The institutional management was managed to supply all the necessary glass wares and adequate chemicals. The requirement of skilled persons to conduct the analysis was met by the students and is monitored by competent faculties

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