Scientific Name :
Elaeocarpus sphaericus (Gaertn) K. Schum
Synonym(s) :
Elaeocarpus ganitrus Roxb. ex G.Don
Local/Common name(s) :
Family :
Habit :
Flowering/Fruiting Time :
Habitat :
Grown as garden plant
Endemic :
Status (IUCN) :
Distribution :
India, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Nepal, China, Malaysia; Kerala: throughout
Nativity :
Uses :
Description (Morphology) :
Trees, 30 m tall, often buttressed at base; young parts puberulous. Leaves alternate, oblong-lanceolate, oblanceolate or elliptic, cuneate or acute at base, acute or acuminate at apex, minutely crenate-serrate or subentire, thinly sericeous becoming glabrous, often with glands at nerve axils beneath, chartaceous; petioles 1-1.5 cm long, sharply margined, pubescent. Racemes 5-8 cm long, axillary, drooping, glabrous. Flower-buds ovoid-conical; flowers white, 8-10 mm across, nodding; pedicels 8-9 mm long, hairy. Sepals 6-7 mm long, linear-lanceolate or oblong, acuminate, silky canescent outside, 1-ribbed inside. Petals white, 7 9 mm long, oblong or obtriangular laciniate, pubescent along margins near base. stamens 30 40; filaments ca 1 mm long, puberulous; anthers 2.5-4 mm long, puberulous, acuminate bearing short, white bristles at apex, locules unequal. Ovary globose, silky villous, 4-5 loculed, rarely 1-4 or 6-10 loculed; styles longer than stamens. Drupes 1.5-2.5 cm across, globose, deep blue or purple and succulent when ripe, mealy outside, usually 5-loculed; pyrenes globose, usually 5 locular, rarely 1-4 or 6-10 locular, 5-seeded, strongly tubercled and marked with as many longitudinal furrows as locules.