
Scientific Name :
Lannea coromandelica (Houtt.) Merr.
Synonym(s) :
Dialium coromandelicum Houtt.
Local/Common name(s) :
Uthi, Wodier
Family :
Habit :
Flowering/Fruiting Time :
Habitat :
Deciduous forests, also in the plains
Endemic :
Status (IUCN) :
Least concern (LC)
Distribution :
Indo-Malesia and China
Nativity :
Uses :
Description (Morphology) :
Deciduous trees, to 25 m high, bark surface grey to dark brown, rough, exfoliating in small irregular flakes, fibrous; blaze crimson red or deep pink; exudation gummy, red; young parts stellate-rusty tomentose. Leaves imparipinnate, alternate, clustered at the end of branchlets, estipulate; rachis 21-27 cm, stout, swollen at base, stellate-hairy pubescent when young; leaflets 7-11, opposite; petiolule 3-5 mm, slender, pubescent; lamina 5-12 x 3-8 cm, oblong, oblong-ovate, oblong-lanceolate or ovate, base oblique, acute or round, apex acuminate, margin entire, lower surface and part of the upper with scattered stellate pubescence, chartaceous; lateral nerves 10-16 pairs, parallel, prominent, puberulent beneath, intercostae reticulate, prominent. Flowers unisexual, yellowish-green; male flowers : in compound racemes, 8 mm across; calyx 4-lobed; lobes ovate, imbricate, persistent; petals 4, lanceolate, reflexed, imbricate; disc annular, 8-lobed; stamens 8, inserted below the disc, filaments unequal, subulate, ovary abortive; female flowers : in simple racemes; petals and sepals as in male flowers; stamens very short and small; anthers sterile; ovary superior, ovule pendulous from near the top of the cell.; styles 4; stigma peltate. Fruit a drupe, 12 mm long, ovoid, red; stone hard; seed compressed.